Bestselling author Rocky Scopelliti recommends must read book of 2021
‘The Rise of Technosocialism: How Inequality, AI and Climate will Usher in a New World’ by international best sellling authors Brett King & Dr Richard Pettty

Rocky Scopelliti
Futurologist and Author of Youthquake 4.0 and Australia 2030 @rockyscopelliti
“For the past 17 years my research has centred on the question of ‘how do we increase our capacity to adapt to a world of accelerated change?’ This question, unlike a closed puzzle where we know what the answer will look like before we begin, or an open puzzle where we need to figure out the answer as we go, this question behaves more like a mystery that keeps us on the edge of our seats and induces our curiosity and fascination every step of the way, and just when we think we know the answer, another mystery emerges. The Rise of Technosocialism is a brilliant maze of mysteries and will inspire you to decide which road to take to create the social, cultural, economic and technological future you desire.”
“The 21st century is going to be the most disruptive, contentious period humanity has ever lived through. It will challenge our most sacred ideologies around politics, economics and social constructs. It will force humanity to adapt in ways you can’t imagine…”
'The Must-Read Book of 2021'

Blog Categories: Climate / Food / Jobs / Inequality / Economy / Unrest