Ron Shelvin @ Forbes
The Rise of is “a tour de force describing the technology trends that are shaping society today and will do so for the next 20 years”

Kevin J. Anderson
New York Times Bestselling Co-Author of Dune: House Atreides. @TheKJA
“The Rise of Technosocialism is incisive, thought-provoking, and brings disparate transformative factors together to give us a set of “Lady or the Tiger?” doors to choose from—and it is up to the imaginative and attuned individuals to make the right choice for humanity’s future.”

David Orban
Chairman of the Supervisory Council At @Linkedin
“I am sure the Rise of Technosocialism will be very successful and deservedly so.”
Listen to David chat with Brett on his “Searching for the Question’ podcast

Rachel Grimes
Past President, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) @Linkedin
‘The Rise of Technosocialism by Brett King and Richard Petty provides a one-stop shop that identifies key issues, and the facts, impacting our planet and society, but more importantly a pathway to improvement. This book should be a reference point in every school, university, and home!“

Tommy E Barrie
Past Chair of the American Institute of CPAs,
EVP of Leadership Development at Succession Institute, LLC @Linkedin
With The Rise of Technosocialism the dynamic duo of King and Petty brilliantly provides vision and tactics in an era of great uncertainty to achieve greater parity for all in the world of technology, and an understanding of the impact that this will have on the sustainability of our future economy.

Penny Crosman
Executive Editor Technology, American Banker @pennycrosman
“Brett King and Richard Petty make a strong case for the need to reform capitalism and replace it with what they call technosocialism: a future in which most human labor is automated and technology advancements make basic services like housing, healthcare, and education ubiquitous and low cost. They offer several ideas about how technology can be used to solve problems in government and the economy, including the use of AI to downsize government, the creation of smart infrastructure and food supply chains, and the provision of universal basic income to replace the paychecks lost to automation. Anyone concerned about the impact our current mode of government and technology trends are having on society will find much food for thought in this book.”

Robert Tercek
Award-Winning Author of Vaporized @superplex
“The Rise of Technosocialism is exactly the right book for this moment in history. The clear strategic vision and fact-based arguments in Technosocialism offer the perfect antidote to the weak leadership, political gridlock and unequal economic opportunity that define our current condition. If we want to break out of this logjam, we all need to apply the insights in Technosocialism right now.”

Jay Samit
Bestselling Author of Disrupt You and Future Proofing You @JaySamit
“The Rise of Technosocialism is not just a timely road map for anyone trying to navigate the confluence of changes impacting society, but a detailed primer for creating a more equitable and sustainable world. Brett King and Dr. Richard Petty deliver a compelling and optimistic plan for humanity to move forward together as a species.”

Ross Dawson
Futurist and Bestselling Author of Living Networks @rossdawson
“In The Rise of Technosocialism Brett King and Richard Petty masterfully lay out the extraordinary perils of blindly continuing our current economic system, and the massive opportunity we have to create a better future for humanity by transforming our social and economic structures. This book is required reading for anyone who cares about our common future.”

Mike Walsh
Author of The Algorithmic Leader: How to be smart
when machines are smarter than you @mikewalsh
“In their new book Brett King and Richard Petty ask a dangerous question: what kind of world do we want to live in? In presenting four scenarios that range from the mildly unsettling to the downright dystopian, they make the case that even in a time of accelerating technologies, there is nothing certain about the future we end up in. The Rise of Technosocialism is exactly the book we all need to read today–if for no other reason than to know how to build a better tomorrow.”

Brian Solis
Digital Anthropologist, Futurist, 8x Bestselling Author @briansolis
“If you think work, life, and world economies can continue without intervention, you’re not alone. But the reality is that nothing is permanent. Everything is either disrupted by outside factors or improved from within. Authors King and Petty help us understand the role we play in the latter.”

Rocky Scopelliti
Futurologist and Author of Youthquake 4.0 and Australia 2030 @rockyscopelliti
“For the past 17 years my research has centred on the question of ‘how do we increase our capacity to adapt to a world of accelerated change?’ This question, unlike a closed puzzle where we know what the answer will look like before we begin, or an open puzzle where we need to figure out the answer as we go, this question behaves more like a mystery that keeps us on the edge of our seats and induces our curiosity and fascination every step of the way, and just when we think we know the answer, another mystery emerges. The Rise of Technosocialism is a brilliant maze of mysteries and will inspire you to decide which road to take to create the social, cultural, economic and technological future you desire.”

Henri Arslanian
Bestselling Author of The Future of Finance & Adjunct Professor at the University of Hong Kong @HenriArslanian
“Brett and Richard do a fantastic job of making us think about the impact of technology on the future of humanity. If you are looking for a book that will make you reflect on humanity’s purpose, challenge preconceived ideas around economics, and show you a different perspective, you will love Technosocialism.”

Richard Turrin
Bestselling Author of Cashless: China’s Digital Currency Revolution @richardturrin
“Brett King and Richard Petty’s view of the future is grounded in reality. This is not just futurists talking about flying cars, in this case they deliver practical preparation for a new world that we’re just entering. The two authors aggregate the major trends facing our world and put them into a realistic and readable account of how technology is going to change our world moving forward. From vaccines to digital currency all of these factors are going to play into a future where the fabric of society itself is transformed by digital technology.”
“The 21st century is going to be the most disruptive, contentious period humanity has ever lived through. It will challenge our most sacred ideologies around politics, economics and social constructs. It will force humanity to adapt in ways you can’t imagine…”