Authors Bestselling author Richard Turrin recommends must read book of 2021
‘The Rise of Technosocialism: How Inequality, AI and Climate will Usher in a New World’ by international best sellling authors Brett King & Dr Richard Pettty

Richard Turrin
Bestselling Author of Cashless: China’s Digital Currency Revolution
“Brett King and Richard Petty’s view of the future is grounded in reality. This is not just futurists talking about flying cars, in this case they deliver practical preparation for a new world that we’re just entering. The two authors aggregate the major trends facing our world and put them into a realistic and readable account of how technology is going to change our world moving forward. From vaccines to digital currency all of these factors are going to play into a future where the fabric of society itself is transformed by digital technology.”
“The 21st century is going to be the most disruptive, contentious period humanity has ever lived through. It will challenge our most sacred ideologies around politics, economics and social constructs. It will force humanity to adapt in ways you can’t imagine…”
What is the impact of COVID-19 on world economies? If the cost of providing universal health care is lower than the cost of building a political movement to prevent it, would politicians still view it as socialism? In a world where algorithms and robots take the jobs of immigrants and citizens alike, are border controls an effective response? If unemployment skyrockets due to automation, would conservative governments rather battle long-term social unrest, or could they agree on something like universal basic income? When renewable energy sources are a fraction of the cost of coal generated electricity, should lobbyists be able to prevent changes to energy infrastructure? When the crowd’s mood is measured in influence and exabytes, will real-time democracy render elections a thing of the past?
International Bestselling authors Brett King and Dr. Richard Petty explore the seismic social changes that will be thrust on the world over the coming decades. The Rise of Technosocialism seeks to answer how our children will live with AI and climate disruption, the impact of COVID-19 in our lives along with which economies will likely emerge victorious in an always-on, smart world.
'The Must-Read Book of 2021'

Blog Categories: Climate / Food / Jobs / Inequality / Economy / Unrest